WIP Transfer within a Job

Jobs - View, Add and Edit Jobs; Invoicing - View, Add and Edit

You can access the WIP Transfer feature from the Job Details page, Work in Progress Center or the Work In Progress Client Breakdown report. There are three methods of WIP transfer to choose from.

The total hours worked always remains on a job, even if you transfer WIP out of the job. Only the WIP moves, not the hours. This can affect reports, so it is recommended that you limit transferring WIP between jobs.

  1. Click JobsJobs.
  2. Click the job you want to transfer WIP from.
  3. Click WIP Transfer.
  4. Proceed as required:

If you make a mistake when transferring WIP, you can cancel the transfer. A reference of the WIP transfer will be listed under WIP Transfer Log.

  1. Click Jobs Jobs.
  2. Click the job you made the WIP transfer on.
  3. Click WIP Transfer.
  4. Click the Delete button  on the row of the WIP transfer you want to cancel in the WIP Transfer Log. The delete option will only show if the WIP Transfer Debit is not allocated (fully or partially) to a WIP Credit. Otherwise it will not be available until the allocation is removed via the View WIP screen.
See Also:

Use the job details page

Use the Work in Progress area